Tuesday, March 24, 2009

"Let your backbone slide"

Twenty years ago, when I was learning how to dance (not very well) to hip-hop at junior high school dances, one of the big hits on the radio was "Let your backbone slide" by Maestro Fresh Wes. In recent years, Canadian Wes Williams has been acting. His latest role is in a Toronto-filmed show, "The Line".

When I read about Maestro celebrating the 20th anniversary of his hit song, I felt compelled to post this story to the Bend Blog. Why? Well, naturally, I echo his hip-hop sentiments: "Let your backbone slide". Well, maybe not "slide", but it should definitely move with ease.

Our backbone, aka: spinal column or spine, is comprised of individual bones, called vertebrae. Each vertebra connects with its neighbouring vertebra via spinal joints. These joints are just like most joints in our body. They are designed to move through their entire range of motion to allow for our bodies to move with ease. However, due to everyday stresses, like work, emotional stress, repetitive strains, etc., our spinal joints tend to get stuck. With each joint that gets stuck, our spinal column begins to lose its range of motion. We often don't notice this loss of motion until several segments become affected. A loss of range of motion, or neck or back pain is often the result. How do we avoid this? Visit me, or your chiropractor to ensure your spinal joints are healthy and mobile.

In the words of Maestro Fresh Wes: "Let your backbone slide" !

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Doctor/Patient Bond

It occurred to me last week, after I posted my first blog, that I should include some form of explanation for why I decided to start blogging. The explanation is simple: Enhance the doctor/patient bond.

And, this is why:

I feel it is important to connect with my patients on more levels than just pain or biomechanical function. Chiropractic is a health care profession that exists along the entire health care spectrum, ranging from those in severe pain to those seeking prevention and optimal wellness. Many people first visit the chiropractor seeking pain relief, but some end up continuing on with regular chiropractic maintenance. Because of this, it is important to me to establish a strong bond with my patients. For some, my job is simply to help them through an isolated circumstance. For these folk, a bond between doctor and patient is often not needed. Regardless of feeling connected to the doctor, the laser therapy, massage, and/or adjustments serve their function. However, for those that have discovered the benefit of ongoing maintenance, I have the privilege of being an ongoing team member in that patient's life. For these folk, the visit to my office becomes more of a routine activity, rather than a dreaded trip to the doctor. More than just the application of services takes place during these visits. Deeper discussions regarding exercise, nutrition, psychological well being often take place. Developing a strong bond between doctor and patients helps foster these meaningful discussions. Of course, connecting with patients also allows for laughs, a relaxing atmosphere, and sometimes in-depth discussions about the evening prior's television programs, especially ABC's LOST. Watching and discussing LOST is not a pre-requisite to receiving chiropractic care, but it does make for engaging dialogue during treatment visits!

As mentioned in my first blog, I hope the Bend Blog serves to educate and add my own spin to various health topics, including chiropractic, wellness, and fitness. But, what good is my word if you, the reader or patient, know very little about my own lifestyle and habits. My advice can be inspired by research and journal articles, but my own experiences influence me greatly. So, by sharing some of my experiences and letting you into my world a bit, I hope to strengthen your trust in me and further our doctor/patient bond.

See you at your next visit.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Welcome to the Bend Blog

Well, I've finally done it. I have jumped into the world wide web pool. Besides my website, I have been relatively unaware of all the net has to offer. But, no longer. The Bend Blog will serve as a way to communicate to my patients and anyone else about the goings on at Bend Chiropractic & Laser Therapy. But, further, I have also jumped back onto Facebook with an individual profile and a page for my practice. And, I am now connected with the LinkedIn crowd on the web. I'm still not really sure what this means, but apparently it will help me stay connected with the imaginary world that is the internet.

The Bend Blog plan is to share my thoughts regarding chiropractic ... and everything else. I hope to keep my blogs relevant to chiropractic, health, wellness, and fitness. But, when my blogs veer away from these topics, I still hope you'll find them either entertaining or informative.

My inaugural Bend Blog today serves to announce the 24th Annual Backs In Motion 10Km Run & 5Km Run / Walk. Hosted by my alma mater, Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC), this annual event serves to get people out walking or running in support of chiropractic education. I participated in this event when I was in school at CMCC. I wasn't a runner back then but I managed to get through the race/run. I paid for it for a week though. I remember walking up and down stairs without bending my knees due to the post-run tightness. This time around should be a lot smoother (I'm hoping). More on why this time around should be smoother in a subsequent blog.

Anyone and everyone is welcome to participate in this event on Sunday, April 19. Below is a link to the registration on the Running Free website:

24th Annual Backs In Motion Run / Walk