Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Lift Light, Shovel Right.

Today's blog post comes complements of the Ontario Chiropractic Association. Every winter I remind my patients that shoveling snow is just like working out, but harder! So do not treat it like a chore. It needs to be treated like exercise so that it gets done in a timely manner without sacrificing your back. Here are the highlights from the OCA's 'Lift Light, Shovel Right' brochure:

When you consider that a shovelful of snow weighs 5 to 7 pounds, you realize how much weight you have to lift to clear your sidewalk or driveway - on average, several hundred pounds! These tips will help keep your back in top shape:

1. Don't let the snow pile up:
If the weather report calls for several days of snow, frequent shoveling will allow you to move smaller amounts of snow at once.

2. Pick the right shovel:
use a lightweight pusher-type shovel. If you are using a metal shovel, spray it with Teflon first, so snow won't stick to it.

3. Push, don't throw:
Always push the snow to the side rather than throwing it. That way you avoid lifting heavy shovelfuls of snow and sudden twisting or turning movements.

4. Bend your knees:
If you find you have to lift a shovelful of snow, use your knees and your leg and arm muscles to do the pushing and lifting, while keeping your back straight.

5. Warm up:
Before tackling any strenuous activity take the time to warm up with some overall conditioning (a 10- to 15-minute walk, even on the spot, should do it), followed by some simple stretching.

6. Take a break:
If you feel tired or short of breath, stop and take a rest. Shake out your arms and legs. Stop shoveling immediately if you feel chest pain or back pain. If you have back pain that is severe or that persists for more than a day after shoveling, make an appointment to see me. If you have chest pain that is severe, see a medical doctor immediately.

7. Additional tips:
Layered clothing works better to keep your muscles warm and your skin dry so you don't get chilled.

Stay hydrated: Don't be fooled by the temperature! Your active body needs plenty of fluids even though it's cold outside. Be sure to drink lots of water or juice before, during and after winter sports, including shoveling!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Patient Appreciation

2009 has been a tough year for many. The economy went in the toilet thanks to our neighbours south of the border. As a result, many people earned less money this year, lost their health insurance, or even their job.

Patients I came to know and help were forced to cut back or even stop their chiropractic health care. It is sad that those who were making healthy decisions were forced to stop due to reasons outside their control.

I, for one, am looking forward to a new start in 2010. But, first we must enjoy the holiday season that is upon us. In light of the year we've had, and in the spirit of the season, December is Patient Appreciation Month.

All month, I am offering 2 for 1 Custom Orthotics. Need a pair? Need a new pair? Take advantage of this opportunity to grab 2 pairs at once. Save $450 !

And, Patient Appreciation Week takes place from Monday, December 14 to Saturday, December 19. During this week:

All chiropractic & laser therapy appointment fees are slashed by 33%;

New patients are always welcome and will benefit from 50% savings off their initial visit;

Every patient that visits me during Patient Appreciation Week will be entered into 2 draws to win a Back Vitalizer back support and a ChiroFlow water-based pillow!

I look forward to seeing you all soon!